2020 Weekly Activities

D03 English Language Society Year 2020 10th Weekly Activity

Date:  7th March 2020 (Saturday)

Time: 7:50am-10:30am

Venue: E201

Number of members: 37

Number of members present: 35

Number of members absent: 2

Percentages of members present: 94.59

Members who absent: 李心尧,赵万丰

President: Brenda Wang

Vice President: Eazen Lim

Secretary: Low Mun Hoe

Activity Planner: Teng Yu Zu

Teacher Adviser: Miss Michelle

Timetable of activity:

TimeActivityPerson in charge
8:05am-9:50amMonths of the yearActivity planner
9:50am-10:20amBingoActivity planner
10:20am-10:30amConclusionTeacher adviser

Activity:  1) Months of the year


-The activity planner explained about the topic.

Procedure 1

-Firstly, the activity planner opened the PPT slide in the computer.

-Secondly, the activity planner talked about the global events in the month of the year.

For example In February:

4th February – World Cancer Day

10th February – World Pulses Day

14th February – Valentine’s Day 

-Then, when the activity planner reached 31st August-Malaysia Independence Day. The members were required to list out all of the Malaysians Prime Ministers.

-Lastly, the activity planner explained the origin of each month’s name. For example, the month March, is named after the Ancient Roman god that was Mars.

Activity:  2) Bingo


-The activity planner explains the activity to the members.

Procedure 2

-Firstly, the members took out their workbook and draw the boxes for the Bingo game.

-Then, the activity planner wrote some words on the board.

-Next each group crossed out the words given by the activity planner.

-Lastly, the fastest group who got five lines was congratulated by the activity planner.


-The members had worked together as a team to achieve their group goals.

-Besides that, members broadened their knowledge.

-The members also paid attention during class.


– Members always forward thinking and committed to society goals.

-To ensure the members gain new knowledge in every activity.